Cara Editing Video
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Dalam melakukan video editing (edit movie/edit film, dsb), ada beberapa istilah.
Pinnacle itu hampir sama sistemnya dengan Windows Movie Maker.
Memakai sistem time-based ada sebenarnya time-linenya tapi malah membuat repot. Simple dan sederhana. Karena mudahnya pemakaian jadi agak sulit untuk proses video yang berat dan sesuai dengan keinginan. Transisi menarik untuk orang yang belum terbiasa menonton berbagai video namun jika udah sering bergelut akan menimbulkan persepsi sendiri atas transisi tersebut. Kemudian effectsnya sederhana, yang paling keren itu earthshakenya Pinnacle keren dan mudah digunakan. Untuk yang lain pengaturan untuk mencari hasil yang pas agak sulit dicapai.
Memakai sistem time-based ada sebenarnya time-linenya tapi malah membuat repot. Simple dan sederhana. Karena mudahnya pemakaian jadi agak sulit untuk proses video yang berat dan sesuai dengan keinginan. Transisi menarik untuk orang yang belum terbiasa menonton berbagai video namun jika udah sering bergelut akan menimbulkan persepsi sendiri atas transisi tersebut. Kemudian effectsnya sederhana, yang paling keren itu earthshakenya Pinnacle keren dan mudah digunakan. Untuk yang lain pengaturan untuk mencari hasil yang pas agak sulit dicapai.
Adobe Premiere mirip sama Canopus Edius
Murni memakai time-line seluruhnya. efek-efeknya sangat banyak dan bejibun. Tool yang sangat banyak dan penuh dengan opsi, dengan melihat user interface-nya aja sangat terlihat professional, namun jika melirik software lain (Vegas/FCP) akan terasa user yang keren itu ternyata cuma manipulasi. Tingkat kontrol dan pengendalian untuk pengeditan video (edit movie/edit film, dsb) disini sangat rumit untuk memotong kita musti memilih tool, untuk memperlambat kadang kita musti harus memilih tool dan atau mengaturnya melalui propertiesnya. Color Balance dan sistem pewarnaannya asyik (secara yang Adobe punya), tapi jujur kalo masih baru dalam dunia video editing akan terasa membosankan dan membawa kesan yang agak suram, namun setelah lama bergelut kita akan mencari warna2 ini. Untuk canopus tidak diragukan lagi kelebihan yang paling mencolok adalah sistem bundle software dan hardware (walau harganya cukup mencekik) yang dapat memaksimalkan kinerja kita.
Sony Vegas prinsip kerjanya sama dengan Final Cut Pro ((FCP)Apple punya)
FCP sempat menjajaki peringkat teratas software video editing terbaik, namun semenjak kehadiran Sony Vegas, perlahan ketenaran FCP mulai tersaingi, dua software ini sekarang sudah dipakai para filmmaker kelas atas. diduga banyak film layar lebar yang menggunakan FCP atau Sony Vegas (SV) sebagai software editingnya. Kelebihannya adalah user interface yang sederhana (setidaknya lebih sederhana dibanding Premiere) namun dapat memuat seluruh informasi penting. kelebihan yang bakal dirasakan adanya shortcut untuk pemotongan gambar atau tidak ada tool untuk memotong gambar. Kemudian di SV ada cara mudah untuk mengatur fade in/out sebuah adegan. Cara kerja yang cepat, preview yang sangat cepat, dan begitu mudah. hasil renderan jika diatur secara tepat, maka akan dapat menghasilkan renderan yang hampir setara kualitasnya dengan s/w khusus untuk rendering semisal TMPGencoder / Canopus Procoder (jika hanya mengandalkan s/w tanpa h/w). namun di SV sistem warnanya tidak bisa sespesifik di Adobe Premiere, tingkat kontrasnya terlalu tinggi, warna2 nanggung itu agak sulit dicari.
Dengan demikian file yang tadi sudah bisa dilakukan video transfer/transfer film. File video transfer/tranfer film tersebut tidak kalah dengan aslinya. Semoga bermanfaat
- Zooming
Overzealous use of the camcorder’s zoom function is the number one sign of a beginning videographer. Zooming tends to make your audience sea-sick and should only be used for framing shots (i.e. Zooming between recorded scenes). Fortunately, you can edit these zooms right out of your videos and only show the wide establishing shots followed by close-up shots.
Preparing to speak
If you are filming a narrator or filming a family member, there’s always that couple of seconds where they say “Ok … is the camcorder running?” Now you can cut that part out and start right with your interview.
- Stillness
Good video needs motion … action … something happening. For example, if you are filming a birthday and it takes your small child two minutes to open his birthday present, consider cutting out the middle 1.5 minutes. Your audience wants to see the motion … your child’s delight at seeing the present, and the triumph of getting it open. Unless the child gets an exciting paper-cut, the rest of the video is unnecessary.
- "Manual capture” only the video that you actually want
When you transfer digital video from a camcorder to your computer, Movie Maker gives you the option of “manually capturing” your video, letting you decide exactly what sections of your tape you want to transfer. This allows you to capture ONLY the parts of your video tape that you want in your finished move, thus saving you a lot of precious hard drive space. While Movie Maker gives you the option of capturing an entire video tape, I rarely do this because 75% of my video is “junk” that I never want to watch again.
- Cutting clips in half
Movie Maker allows you to “cut” your video clips in half. This is a great way to get rid of large chunks of “junk film.” You cut your clips in two different places within the program … both in the preview monitor, and also while working on the timeline. Simply find the location you want to cut and click the “cut button” located under the preview monitor.
Cutting clips is great way for getting rid of large areas of video (or breaking up clips that you want to place at different places on your timeline). The only problem with cutting is that you must stay organized -- if you cut 30 separate video clips, you’ll end up with a whooping 60 video clips in your video collection and that can be hard to sort through.
Trimming the ends of clips
For the finest control, you can trim the ends off your clips by setting the exact “in and out” points of each video clip. While working on the timeline, simply “drag the ends” of each clip to the exact point that you would like it to start and stop. You can accomplish very fine control of each clips start/stop points by trimming … especially if you zoom in on each clip using the magnifying glass.
Here are the top five that we have found:
Microsoft Movie Maker Already installed on newer computers that are running Windows XP, Movie Maker has drag and drop features to make creating and editing your movie easier. Microsoft has many add-ons for this software, and upgrades are available through the website. This is one of the best free video editing software programs available. | |
| Apple iMovie Apple iMovie is comparable to Windows Movie Maker, but Apple iMovie is used on the Mac operating system. Apple iMovie has many advanced features and add-ons. Unfortunately, the software is only free if you buy a new Mac system. If you want the software without buying the system, it is available for purchase separately. One of the best free video editing programs available for Mac users. |
| Avid FreeDV is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems, and includes basic video and audio editing capabilities, as well as up to two streams of real-time effects. On the whole, a solid video editing program that is slightly hard to use, but very powerful once you learn its ins and outs. |
| Wax is a high performance and flexible free video editing software program. It started out as a college project, and has since grown. Wax is good for both home users and professionals. It can be used as a stand-alone application, or as a plug-in to other video editors. The software also features unlimited video and audio tracks with top-down compositing. |
| Zwei-Stein is great free video editing software, but the user interface is very technical. It is full featured, offering many different effects. It can edit up to 256 video, audio, and still image clips. There are up to 64 effects, which can be chained serially. An interesting program that's worth looking at. |
Microsoft Movie Maker for Windows users, and Apple iMovie for Mac users are probably the two easiest to use free video editing software programs available. Both products will allow you to very quickly perform simple video editing tasks.
However, if you want to able to add more interesting effects and transitions to your videos, you might want to check out commercial video editing software. These programs provide very intuitive user interfaces to complete basic editing tasks, but are also complex enough to let you experiment with advanced video effects.
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